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CalmMonday, April 13, 2009' 11:32:00 pm
from Peong

~ The Pathetic Me ~

Ahh, Monday. The day with only one class. Jonatha gave us his so-called ''tips'' which basically require us to read nearly everything in the book. Heck, what stuns me most today is when he shows his Engine slides. I was thinking that he might be teaching us about engines next semester! I dreamed everyday, wishing that I wouldn't have to deal with him next semester, after the infamous argument between us. Although the argument was settled, it didn't change the fact that I didn't like his way of teaching, which was equivalent to reading out the slides (copied directly from the book) and adding just a little information once in a blue moon. If he would teach us next sem, I foresaw a dim future. My license should be A&C which is airframe and engine, now with his teaching my C will be nowhere - -... After the class I bought a loaf of bread, and I thought of sharing it with 001, since I thought I couldn't finish it in time, before it expires. But then later in the evening I realised I could, because for my breakfast I'd had 4 pieces of it already.

Took my breakfast, watched a bit of D.I.E, and fell aslept till 1.30 pm. During sleep I had a really strange dream of myself driving a car without the appropriate license (I dont have one in reality anyway). I was driving the car thru the highway to K.L from my house, and I think I was heading to Giant to buy something I can't recall what. Later I seemed to be lost somewhere, and ended up parking the car at a shop street in a neighbourhood. Then I found myself at home again, around 3 pm without knowing how I came home - -. Later my mother came home and asked what the hell did I do with the car. I didn't know how to answer, but then as I wanted to go out to search for it, I looked outside and saw the car back again. My mom said she found it by chance, and got it back already. Also the dream didn't mention how she got it back, with both cars at once. THE END. Strange right? Thanks to this bizzarre dream I didn't get much sleep, I was like sub-conscious for about 1/2 of my sleeping time.

Later tried to study a bit before going out to swim. Yeh, exercising, kills fat! At around 4 I realised I forgot to bring my bigger swimming trunk after a big dig into my luggage and messing up everything inside. I ended up wearing the super small-sized one I used to wear 2 years ago, and it was so short... O well, guess I had no choice other than this, coz the public swimming trunks for rent were out of the question already. Went there and shoot, the weather turned bad so quickly, and I could see the thunder from far away. I got down the pool as fast as possible and started swimming. Its the first time I'd felt the pool water that cold in Nilai Springs. Managed to swim a few laps before the rain kicked in, wetting the ground and cleaning the air. It poured so heavily that the rain water sprayed far into the walkways. Fortunately the rain receded by a bit when the bus came, and that bloody bus driver didn't want to turn into the shade area where we were waiting at. So all of us had to run for the bus to avoid getting wet. As I returned to College, the scenery outside the bus was quite attractive. Had dinner right away after I got down from the bus, due to the rain I couldn't go back to my room, so we decided to have our dinner first while waiting for the rain to go.

Later at around 7.00pm + AP came over, and said Cyrus brought his gf over today, woot I was curious to see her too, how she looked like. Played the comp for some time before starting to study, then the electricity seemed to be faulty and intermittent, so I went up to AP's room to continue. We didn't talk at all, and I was able to concentrate for quite some time. Went back to my room moments later, and played the comp again before reading another small part of Structures... Then when I felt like sleeping I saw a chick near my room, outside. Seemed that she was waiting or looking for somebody, and immediately I know she's Cyrus' gf, 95%. But when I looked at her, she seemed afraid of me, and turned away, walking around near Cyrus' room. I took my toothbrush and headed to the toilet, buying me a chance to observe her. Hell I'm really curious. I like beautiful people and things, in a way of 欣赏, dont get me wrong here I'm not, and I will never touch my friend's gf. After I finish brushing, she's in Cyrus' room already. After I got back into my room, jealousy took over my feelings. How I wish I can have female friends. How I wish to have the taste of love. I felt so pathetic at that moment, how pathetic I am, tfk-ing in my room everyday, barricading and consoling myself in my own artificial world where nobody can hurt me, although after doing it I felt alone and empty again... How many times I told myself to get out from the current me, and to try making some female friends in college, but in the end I couldn't, going back to square one everyday. I'm not like Ben who can say, " hello, cutie" to someone he didn't even know without hesitation, in the public. I'm fully aware of my current problem now, and I do worry that I may not get married if worse comes to worst. But I alone cannot help myself, and I desperately needs help... Who can help me out there... No one really knows how wounded my heart is at this moment, and how the pain torturing me inside....

CalmSunday, April 12, 2009' 11:21:00 pm
from Peong

~ Resurrection ~

Hehe, finally I made up my mind to post something in my blog full of dust and mould tonight... So here I go:

Today I have piano class as usual at 1.30 pm... Its dark and cloudy outside - my favourite colour of the sky and also, the weather. I knew it wouldn't be long before it started to pour. The class today was ok, but I had a little jam in Aozora, though I practiced it hardcore for the last few weeks. I could play it well in my house, perhaps due to nervousness when I wanted to play it for people other than my family. Also "四手联弹" didn't go so well... Wonder when can I synchronise with my teacher... Bought pizza afterwards, and have a stomach full of it before doing the usual things in my house, playing in Garena, and playing with my wife~~~ I'm sure my friends all know what I mean when I say "my wife", for those who don't know yet, I repeat again, by "my wife" I mean my piano, nuff said.

Felt very sleepy at 6.45 p.m, tried to sleep but failed. Dinner, then packed up for another week of college life. Only thing different was that I'm not going back home this week, finals coming soon, only in President Hall of Nilai University College. But heck, mom's lazy to pick my cloths to wash thie coming friday... Since she said she didn't want to come to Nilai just to pick my cloths up. I was kinda pissed, since its a routine that she'd come to fetch me home every Friday, why couldn't she treat this Friday the same as the Fridays ago? Just that I'm not in the car this week. At last after voicing my dissatisfaction to her, preparing for some argument, she agreed to come,surprisingly without getting emo. Then my screwd up feeling reduced bit by bit while we travelled to Nilai through the usual highway.

I noticed that my emotion can be turned by 180 degrees with just a sentence, a minor happening, or something trivial, which is what I don't like about myself. I emo very easily and I know that my friends don't like that part of me too. O well, I'm not a saint, and this is one of my weaknesses I have to bear. Another thing is, I expect other people to behave like saints although I'm not one myself, which is ... (I dont know how to say this) But demanding some attitude from others while you yourself don't possess is bad ( can't find a better word for this but I know there is).

Tonight was rainy, and it rained alll the way throughout my journey back. Reached college, and it was still drizzling. Willy brought Corpse Bride for me, and I watched it immediately coz I want to sleep early tonight, tired tired. And its a movie I wanted to watch after listening to its Piano OSTs, which Ernest introduced to me. Not bad, but I thought its a little too short though. Later I heard a chick's voice in my block, looked to the source and I saw a girl in blue shirt and tight shorts with her friends. The three of them were having fun in the cooking area beside the common room, and she noticed me as soon as I walk out from my room to get a closer look at her. Spotted, I acted like nothing and I went back to my room. So jealous of them... Wished I could have more girl friends...

Thats all for today, nitez.

CalmSaturday, October 04, 2008' 12:52:00 am
from Peong

~ What's with me? ~

Long time no see, my friend ^^... Sorry for not writing something here, first of all. For I've been bored to the max this holiday. Nothing special to write....... Watched Suzuka, and found that the anime was not worth the time watching. Heck its not romantic, its uber-boring, and the main character Asahina Suzuka was relle not good. Anyways one of the music seems fine.. Bought the 5 cm/s anime movie, and heck its another super boring anime. Awh wasted my 20 buckks buyin it. Again the music in it looks good. Yet I couldn't find a site I went to recently to download anime albums. But if my laptop is back then I will get there again, since I bookmarked it in my laptop. After all this crap I really had the urge to write my own story. But I knew that I wouldn't finish it, since I'm always lose my interest very, very quickly towards things. Anyways I guess I'll still try to scribble some, at least to douse the fire of writing in my heart lol. I donno what else should I write here, but life's real boring. I felt useless since I can't do things right. I seem to be an all-rounder, but heck, that means I'm not very good in each of the fields. Always scoring moderately, getting stuck in the middle range, I'm absolutely tired of it. Can't I get good at something at all...? Haihz.... Speechless, really. I couldn't make much progress in my piano learning too, maybe becoz my memory capacity has finally reached its limits. I dont think I can memorize anymore songs.. haihz... The sky was really dark.

CalmWednesday, September 24, 2008' 11:44:00 pm
from Peong

~ A Monday In College ~

Geez, had to be at college this Monday, to replace a Dnest trip last week -.-'' Gosh, lazy lazy! Anyways I went, and surprisingly I was the first to reach the waiting place. Later Shamir came, and at the last 5 minutes a lot showed up. Had another nice sleep in the bus~

I tot today was like any other day to Dnest, nothing much to do, just wasting time till 5 p.m. Woot, this time there came a new instructor~ He's the real prodigy man, compared to Gopal I believe he knew a lot more. And he was very willing to share his knowledge and experience wit us, but today he didn't teach too much, since he was telling his great past so happily~ He happened to know Selva, and Selva respected him a lot when he did the 5 landing gears removal in 2 1/2 days. Normally in MAS, one landing gear requires a day to be removed, and yet without proper apparatus and stuff, at a remote place in Thailand, he did the miracle. He was also Nantha's senior, lolx... Aviation industry is such a small place, one kinda link to another. Good to have him as our instructor~~

CalmMonday, September 22, 2008' 10:36:00 pm
from Peong

My B'day ~

Friday huh? I almost forgot that today was my birthday. Which means I'm turning 17 today! Woot, one more year to be able to watch 18++ shows in the cinema! Ganbateh ~

The tools were put on a table, but the curious people all snatched it .

And he taught us about the gauges and vernier calliper readings.

This is basically all the tools he brought today~ Look at the light brown handled tool, its called a scriber I think, used by olden day gangsters... Its forbidden to be brought in the public as its very deadly and very very sharp.

Whew, and the class ended surprisingly early, at around 4.30 p.m. I went back to pack my goods, and soon my mom came to pick me up. For some unknown reason I felt kinda dizzy during the trip home, and we went to Summit to buy the cake, but we didn't manage to get any. Later we went out to Taipan and bought one cheese cake, rawr.

Bday, nothing much different than that of last year.

CalmFriday, September 19, 2008' 1:58:00 am
from Peong

~ Weds and Thurs ~

Hmm, no Dnest, means holiday!! But this holiday is nothing like a holiday at all. Woke up early to study a little, and I didn't leave my room much today. Just me, my room, some food, a laptop, and the books. Cramming a lot of Maintenance Practice stuff into my head, and fed up finally when I didn't understand a small part. Nothing much for this Wednesday.

Let battle be joined!! Got my arse up at 6.45 a.m, and went to bathe after doing some norron-ing. Revised on some Hydraulics, since its teh first paper today... I didn't know where to read, becoz generally it seemed pretty much easy. Over-confident, huh...? After I saw the paper, I got the shock of the week! The questions asked were very crappy, such as ''When the shuttle valve is in normal position... '' Normal position?~! Where you mean normal? Middle? the place it usually is? or what the hell? More specific lar Kunalan.. Shot a few times, and went out the exam hall with some sweat. Later was Maintenance Practice, n the questions came out as predicted. Woot, Azlan locked the door, and Cyrus didn't manage to come in. Whoa, cruel... But what to do, can't do anything to save him. Finished the paper in 5 minutes, but I waited for someone to leave first before I do. As I leave the hall, that ****** stared at me. I looked back at him with a harmless, peaceful eyes. Dono whats wrong with him. I've already be frendly and all, and now hes staring at me like I've murdered his father or what. Dono what to say. Later I went to get AP. He didn't come 4 2 papers... Seriously he dared to skip exams. I dono how to save him anymore. Everytime he came late I sure ejek him d, hoping that he would change so I wont ejek him anymore. But to no avail. Next is electronics... Got myself confused between anode and cathode, shiet.. But I think I got them right, at least some of them..

Went back my room and eat up some Theory of Flight. I have no idea what is coming out for this subject, as Gopal said oni 1-23 pages. So limited stuff! And I dono what more should I read. Closed the book, and almost dozed off. Phew... Continued the exam at 3.00 p.m, and the questions were everywhere. Hoho, smooth sailing. I felt the whole exam finished oni in 30 minutes... So fast 4 papers gone. And then Shamir told me there's Gopal's class 4.30 p.m today. Most of the ppl decided not to go, and I was in dilemma whether go or not to go... I'm afraid that if only I went, and caused all other students to be marked as absent, then I'm gonna be cursed by all of them. If I didn't go, I will clash with my principles... O well, I decided to go have a look, if not enough ppl then I oso go back... So sat at the computer lab and did some surfing before going down at around 4.20 p.m. Loafed around at 2nd and 3rd floor till 4.35 p.m, but neither Gopal nor anyone showed up. Argh, issit a lie from Shamir, ordered by ****** Impossible, I don't think Shamir is that kind of person... And he told everyone too, not only me. O well, returned to the room, and watched some D-gray Man before sleeping till dinner.

Went dinner wit AP, and played some games with him before pcking my goods, and went for LAN Party ~~ At first we used teh wireless to play, but its real real laggy, so we try to use the modem. Argh, not enough wires zzzz and My comp seems to be faulty. Later I found out that its the wire that is faulty, and theres no more spare wires for Ben or me, so both of us went to my room and got my two wires there. He played a while with my keyboard, , looks like he relle knows piano. Went back, and finally got to play some dota games with them. 4V4 dota, hahaha... Ted DC-ed, and DC-ed and DC-ed spoiling so many games, and in the end Richard DC-ed becoz Ted who was supposed to plug in his charger didn't do so. WTF, relle wasting time weh... Tried again, and everything is smooth till Richard tripped over a Lan Wire, dropping his laptop to the ground. Whoa, the whole screen had a lot of lines, and became blurry. Even restarting couldn't restore it... Shiet, everyone's mood was spoilt, and we had to call it a day. O well, in the end no dota games ended. zzz wen tback to sleep, and for tomorrow's class~

Calm' 1:58:00 am
from Peong

~ 3 Day Roll ~

Hmm, got up pretty late, and prepared for piano class as usual. Went there a bit too early, and I went into the classroom. I saw a gurl chatting wit her phone at an isolated classroom, and when she saw me she said I could use the electrical piano in the room. She walked out to her class, and I turned the piano on~~ Woot, its an electrical piano with weighted keys, lightings, and full 88-keys! Woah, I was really amazed that I could play one of these, and so I played... The lights were too distracting that I couldn't play that well. A moment later my piano teacher was finished with her other student, and I was next. Some theory, some scales, the red book, and finally my ''Silent Hill Theme''. But then mom's gonna be late to fetch me, so I could stay after the class to play piano at another room. Hehe, I played some of my favourite songs, ''FF X Ending Theme'', ''Eternity Memory of Lightwaves'', and of course ''Last Regrets''. Woot, I played ''Last Regrets'' very very well IMO, because no one was watching me from the side, and in the room there's only me, and ''my'' piano. At that particular moment my soul united with the piano, thus presenting the best of my playings to others. I didn't screw up much at any part, and after I finished the song, my teacher, who was teaching another student, went out to look for me. ''Wow, you played very well,'' she said. Thrilled with the comment, I replied,'' k la k la I'm going already ^^'' with a smile. Went back home, and later I returned to the college.I omos forgot to bring my uniform back, since my mom took it for me every week. Phew.. Luckily she remembered.

Yaaaawn, what a lazy day! At first I set my alarm to 9.30 a.m, and I planned to study and clean up my room today, but my lazy arse just wouldn't budge. I fell back to sleep and got up only at 11.30 a.m. After a little bit of studying, I fell aslept on my bed again, till 4.00 p.m... Shiet, wasted so much precious time to study... O well, I went to clean up my room, and this time I used the vacuum cleaner I brought. I cleaned an tidied up the room, and this time its cleaner, with less dust. Went to wash all my bottles later at around 6.00 p.m, and washing them all took me to 7.10 p.m. I bathed later, and met Ken and his pack on my way out. Dinner together, and didn't have the mood to study, so... D-Gray Man marathon until 4.30 a.m. Woot, I don't know whether I can wake up for tomorrow's class... O well, I had to sleep, too sleeepy...

Woke up, and hauled ass to class. The early birds were there, and that ****** came to the class. I tried my best not to get into any business with him, and I thought the day would be a little more peaceful. But I didn't predict that he was so cheap to talk bad about me to my frend, behind me. Hah, such cheapskate. As he kept on crapping about me, talking and whispering to Ooi, my heart felt horrible. I thought of how to explain it back to Ooi later, but at the end I decided to pretend that I didn't hear anything. IMO, explaining is equal to giving excuses.. So, I planned to win him by proving him wrong physically and mentally. I wouldn't bother to explain anymore, and if Ooi really believed that cheapskate, then he was not worth to be a frend. So I kept on as normal, and hoped that cheapskate's words would fade away with time, or I should say, proved wrong with time.
Today was very sleepy anyways, at some instance I almost fell aslept.. Slept too late yesterday, huh... After eating some karipaps the sleepiness was reducing. Now that I'm fully awake, I started to notice the coldness of the classroom. Heck, even with a shirt, a uniform and my jacket to keep me warm, I couldn't help shaking all the time in the class. Later when Azlan wanted us to sign the attendance slip, I signed and handed it to others. Later he got the paper but he couldn't sign becoz no one had a pen. So I took mine from my bag to him, and he borrowed from me. Hmm, I tried to be frendly to him, and asked:'' EASA results haven't come out yet arh? So long edi... one month..'' He replied to me, and it seemed quite peaceful on the surface.
I recalled all the scenes I had with him. First was the pushing. I misinterpreted him perhaps, and pushed him slightly. And he treated it as though I'm being proud and I was jealous of him becoz he is smarter than me. LOL I almost couldn't hold back my laughters when he said that to Ooi. Jealous of him? Jealous to an ape like him? Dreaming he must be. I would only blame myself for being stupid and lazy if others score better than me, not me getting all jealous of their success. Next was him asking me the date. He asked me the time, and when I reached for my phone then he said nevermind, and he looked at his watch. Com'on, he had a watch and yet he still asked me for the time. I bet any normal people would treat it as a prank. So when he asked for the date again, I didn't bother to answer him, thinking that it might be one of his pranks again. O well, and now he interpreted it as me being proud. Last was the book part. He purposely tried to disturb me while I'm studying, and I tried to ignore that ape. Then he moved his head closer to my book, since standing beside me failed to irritate me. Fine, since he really wanted to piss me off that much, I slammed the book shut and walked to other people. And from that case he dared to say that I was being action or whatever shiet. Come on, HE IS the one who started it and after pissing me off he said I was lansi. Fuk it, fuk this nonsense. Fine, all of these began from misinterpretation. And this misinterpretation originated from that ape himself. He was such a playful guy that I presumed that he was pulling pranks on me so I reacted oddly to him. I didn't know that he would be interpreting my actions that way. Fine, I had to hold some responsibility, but he definitely holds the larger part. I acted like a gentleman in front of him, being frendly and all. If he still carries on his shiety attitude to me, then I'll think him as an ape, really. Nuff said.
Hmm, Kunalan said results havent come out yet, crap it. One month had passed, and the white guy promised us that the results would be out in ten working days. What a big lie. I couldn't wait to throw my Air Leg, Human Factors, Basic Aero, and Electrical books into the recycle bin!! Rawr, results faster come out! Later I planned to take a nap in the evening, but I watched D-Gray Man till 7 something instead. Shiet, I wouldn't have enough energy to study afterwards. Haihz... Then my sis told me she's cooking spaghetti tonite, and I waited from m 6.40 p.m to 8.45 p.m. Finally its done, and I walked to her block to get it. As I was walking back holding the spaghetti in a bowl, I'm sure I looked strange. Forget it, I headed back and ate the cold spaghetti. Although its cold, but the time my sister spent to cook it for me made it warm deep inside my heart. Thanks to her~ Later I found out that tomorrow no Dnest, since its Selangor public holiday~. Played with AP for a moment, and planned to sleep earlier, wake up earlier to study. Hope I can do it, oyasu mi~~

CalmSunday, September 14, 2008' 7:38:00 pm
from Peong

~ Friday and Saturday ~

Geez, Konas had his replacement class held today at 8.00 a.m., couldn't sleep any longer huh? Anyways one thing good is, if I wake up earlier I wouldn't lag on my bed for a long time, unlike 10 a.m classes, when I would wake up at 8.30 a.m, but got up from bed by 9.40 a.m... O well, went for d class, and the attendance was less than half, only 9 people were there lolx. Still Konas went on, and I tried to absorb as much as possible. Later was Gopal's class, attendance was only about 10-12. Alas I got myself to understand how the PFCU works. Then its Azlan's class. When I reached the class, there were Adilah and Puwanes only... Whoa, then Azlan said the class was supposed to begin at 2.30 p.m. Relle? I thought the time was cancelled that time since they say it didn't matter much. O well, slowly the others came, and AP came quite late, bringing his hamper stuff. Again, those lazy people kept on interrupting the class, and Azlan couldn't teach much. Sad enough in college the lecturers were even weaker than those teachers in secondary school. If got those students interrupting the class at least the teachers could do something to stop them. Good lecturers like Azlan could only advice and advice, nothing more.

One guy relle got under my skin, that ****** (I don't want to mention that unfortunate name, but every Jan intake DAIR Student should know who is this). Supposedly he was planning to quit the course for some better scholarship to study overseas, and eventually he went back to our college after one week of absence. At first I missed him becoz he brought some colours to our class. But then after he went back his ape-like behaviour was getting worse. Always doing those stupid noise in class, interrupting the class... I know he was very smart, straight A student. Even if he doesn't listen in class, he can still score in the exams, but disturbing others during the class is too selfish of him. If he doesn't want to listen, that doesn't mean others wouldn't want too. And that ape-man likes to disturb others. Thursdays class, during Gopal's class break time, I was walking behind the class, looking around. He was chatting with Yoga, and I wanted to walk pass them, behind him. Then he purposely( or non-purposely, i dont know but with his playful behaviour I thought he was intentional) stepped back, blocking the way. I treated it as an attempt to disturb me, and I disliked him, so I pushed him gently at the back, and walked away. I didn't know he misinterpreted my action. He said to Shamir I pushed him away like a garbage. Whatever, I have no interest in him. Then during Azlan's class when Azlan was teaching others, I tried to do the Micrometer readings, and that ape-man came over, doing some retarded things. He stared at my book at first. I didn't know what to do, then I just tried to ignore him. Then, he moved his head nearer and nearer. I was really pissed off at the moment, I'd already tried to avoid getting involved with him, and yet that ape-man relle tried to piss me off. I closed my book, and walked to Azlan, to listen to what he was teaching. Alas he buggered off. O well, guess more will come from that ape, and predicting what to come was really scary, disturbing and painful. This incident made me think back of my secondary school years, when another guy used to make fun out of me. I really hate those days, and thinking that I might have those kind of days in college just really disturbed my mood. Went back later, and tried not to think too much about it.

Saturday was nice as usual, with basketball n cc in the morning. Went back home at 1.30 p.m, and prepared myself for facial at 2.30 p.m. I wanted to have it a few weeks before, since I hadn't been there for a long time. I don't wash my face very often, and its time to clear some dirt off my face. In fact I saw some blackish, hair-like stuff on my face, so I thought its time to clean it. And I missed the little massage lolx. However this time I couldn't sleep there despite how tired I was. Perhaps its the Kenny G saxophone music out there. I don't like saxophone music much, so maybe it hindered my sleep. Waited for my mom to finish, and went back. Dinner at Taipan, and restocked some maggie and biscuits for my room. Guess thats for today.

CalmFriday, September 12, 2008' 1:42:00 am
from Peong

~ Good Day ~

Today was pretty good, with my classes starting at 10 a.m. But still the incident yesterday was haunting me, but not too much. When problems like this came, my brain would spill advices to calm me down, although it didn't work too well... Things such as ''There's no point wasting your energy on retards, go on with your life'' , ''It happened, and its the past. Look forward'' , or ''Just RM 1, give him lo'' , ''This world is full of retards, sometimes you just have to accept the fact'' , ''Human stupidity is infinite'', etc etc. As usual, couldn't get the strength to get out from my bed until 9.40 a.m. Got myself ready for Kunalan's class. Taught us about those valves and stuff, and he announced something good. Hah, finally he decided to defer the Aircond subject down to the next sem. Banzai!! No more fears to have classes at Saturdays ^^ It really deserves a celebration. But EASA results still didn't show up yet, and tests were coming, next week. I HAVE TO STUDY! I must be more serious, no more fooling around.

Later I thought about what should I do to prevent yesterday's incident. I could've prevented it if I was to buy one first, then buy another two. Or hide the one I bought, and just tapao one. But who could predict that that guy was a retard? haihz... I know I hold some responsibility for this case, but he definitely holds more responsibility. Bloody hell, I'm trying to forget this incident, though I doubted that I could never do it in my lifetime. Nuff said.

Had lunch, and went back for some D-Gray Man XD. I wanted to see the main character do funny things, his look was funny at times, and the voice acting was good. Later went for Konas's class, and he taught us about transistors. Cracked my head trying to understand the operation of transistors, and in the end I didn't grasp much of it. I touched my forehead, and wow its quite hot! Guess my CPU was heating up due to excessive use. Have to revise and do some research later. Then it was Gopal's class. Seeing him everytime disgusted me. Just hope that I wouldn't get into trouble with him. Later he taught us, and surprisingly he didn't do things that he usually did. Whoa, amazing! He was like another person today. No scolding, no treating us like a kid, no lanci-ing. Just normal teaching, and the class went on smoothly. When we didn't understand something we started to ask Gopal, and he would give more patience to explain, rather than lanci or talk crap. Good, change more, and maybe I'll consider giving you some respect.

Later at 6 p.m, class ended without much commotion, and I ordered pizza~ haha I had some money left to spend, so I could afford the pizza ^^ Had it with Chin and AP only, becoz Ken had some meeting. Went for basketball a bit later, woot and this time AP came to the court as well, since he didn't see me in my room. He joined the game, and everyone started to play a fool around i.e no one was playing seriously except Chai. Haha, all were doing stupid things, and it went even more funny after K.K and Thaddeus came. Whoa, thats not a match anymore. AP joined the game too ^^. Before that Ooi hurt his leg, followed by Richard. Sweating and tired, we called it a day as the guard came to turn off the lights. Yawn. Bathed, and other guys planned to have a party using AP's hamper he won yesterday from the lucky draw. lolx. I didn't go, as I wanted to cool down, and bathe. Guess I have to exercise more, really getting fatter these days. AP then came down to DL some stuff, but couldn't since my line was always cocky. Nthing much later, sleep sleep ^^

Calm' 1:40:00 am
from Peong

~ What A Screwd Up Day! ~

Woke up with a refreshed mind and got everything done. My mood was pretty good, and I decided to have my breakfast at the canteen. I wanted to buy 3 packs of nasi lemak from that mamak stall, and I paid him RM 10. O well, I knew he wouldn't have any changes so I bought two using my RM 1 cash. Ate one,and I bought an Ice Lemon Tea from the beverages stall. Just to get myself smaller money to pay that guy. Then I headed back to the stall to buy one more, and ask him to tapao. This was the moment that screwd up my entire morning. Really. This is the case... I waited for a moment there, holding the 1 nasi lemak I bought just now since there's a few customers in front. After they'd done, I went to the front and took out my RM 1. Then I said, ''Beli satu, ini dua tapao'' while pointing towards the one I bought and the one I wanted to buy at that moment. When I said that I put the one I bought on the table with other nasi lemak, and I thought he wouldn't be that RETARDED. He looked at me and asked for two ringgit. I then tried to explain that I just bought two from him, and I ate one. Now I wanted to buy another one, and tapao together with the one I bought. And you know what's that RETARD's facial expression? He shook his head and kept on asking for 2 ringgit 2 ringgit. I explained again and again and he's still showing that retarded face. At that time I really wanted to slap him in the face. But of course I didn't want to get myself into trouble with someone as retarded as him, so in the end I paid RM 1 for one, and he confiscated the one I bought just now. Yeh yeh, this world is full of retarded people. Can you imagine that someone could actually forget that I just bought TWO nasi lemak from him back then, 15 minutes before, and that RETARD DID SAW ME HOLDING MY NASI LEMAK AND WALKING TOWARDS HIS STALL. Fine, today he robbed one ringgit from me, from now on I would make him lose more than one ringgit. I'd never buy anything from his stall anymore, so when he lose one customer, he lose income. That RETARD surely deserves it. If he was willing to listen to me, fine no problem, but with his FUKING FACE and retarded brain I was really pissed off. He made me looked as though I'm the one who's trying to scam him, while he was the real asshole. My whole day's mood was screwd, thanks to that bastard. At that moment I remembered one scene last time, that was when I was playing at the CC nearby my house. I paid money to a you-know-what race person, right after my frend paid him. That asshole was chatting with his frend, and I told him my PC number. RM 6, he said, and I paid him RM 10 and got back RM 4. I put the RM 4 on my wallet, and put both on a table while I sat at an empty space to chat with my frend. Later on my frend wanted to play some game, so I opened another computer and started the game. After a while, a you-know-what race guy came and told me I didn't pay for the computer I played with just now. What?! I DID pay him and the RM 4 was right beside me. Its IMPOSSIBLE that I didn't pay. So, fine I went to the counter and told him I did pay, and you know what happen? That asshole stated blindly, if you did pay then the comp should be shut off, but now the comp still on means you didn't pay. Fuk it, and I was thinking of how to explain to him, while the counter was crowded with you-know-what race people. Then one started to scare me off by yelling at me, and showing actions that he's going to hit me or sth. Finally, the usual me, who was always the one who surrender, gave way. I don't want to fight with those low people , and I'm alone while they were with their gang. O well, I paid AGAIN, 6 ringgits again. FUK! The system was really bad since there's no receipt showing that I paid. Everyone was trusting each other, and things that shudn't happen, happened. So am I the unlucky one? I don't know, but one thing was for sure: That fuker was not doing his job properly. If I was to ask him to get the CCTV tape to check, I'm sure that he wouldn't give a damn. Fine, no use fighting with these retards.

K enough about fuked up stuffs. Later I went to One-Stop to buy some karipaps, with my mood screwd and my heart burning of anger. Even after I drinked my Iced Lemon Tea which was ice-cold, my inner fire didn't lose its heat one bit. In the bus I tried very hard not to think about that retarded scene, but without anything to do, (my earphones left in the house) I couldn't help flashing back that scene. At the end I managed to sleep somehow, and arrived there. Jeya told us to put our things at the classroom, and go to the hangar to see something. And so we all did, going down and watching them work. At first we were excited, and stood there watching ... watching ... Later we felt that there's nothing much, and we were getting bored coz they were just doing nothing much at all. Jeya and Eason were doing something beside the aircraft, which I didn't understand one bit. I only saw some other people fixing the epoxy sealant to seal the panels back. Later Thaddeus got bored and said to Jeya he wanted to go back. Most of the people followed, as Jeya said if you want to go back, then everyone will go back. Then without my knowledge, William and Sam stayed there, and I played games with other people. Only when lunch time was about to come, both of them came back, saying they learnt a lot of stuff, and how pro Jeya was and things. Bloody hell, why didn't they call us down again? We all thought that there's nothing much to see and so we went back. We couldn't be standing there like a bunch of idiots watching them doing their job. Its OK if there was someone else explaining what the people were doing, and someone to attend us. Screw it, I went to get some hot water at the water cooler outside. Hell. the hot water just wouldn't come out. OMG. We all opened our maggie cup, and there's not hot water!?! Then we saw a water cooker inside a room, and Sam asked if we could go in and get some hot water. The guy outside the room said something very lanci, and we all were pissed. Someone suggested that we try our lucks at the crew pantry nearby, and so we went. Three guys were sitting inside, and Sam asked. Oh great, holy light shone upon us. They were kind enough to allow us, not like the asshole earlier. The room was air-cond'd, and yet those guys smoked inside it. The smell was quite awful, but o well, I'm not staying there for long, so got our stuffs and went back. Argh, I asked K.K to order food for me, but I had enough food for lunch already. I ate the nasi lemak, one karipap, and the cup mee. Bloody full I was, and I couldn't finish the food K.K ordered. I knew I shouldn't waste food but I relle couldn't finish it. Went down with some other people to an aircraft as Jeya was doing some EGR. That was pretty scary .. As the aircraft was throttled to full speed, it suddenly jerked, and I was scared like hell. I thought the restraining devices were not functioning properly, with the engines at full power I really thought that the aircraft was going to fly away. But alas nothing happend, peace. I barely saw the flaps and spoilers deployed from the inside of the aircraft. After that nothing much to mention, and we went back to Nilai. At 7.15 pm the CLS 10th Aniversary was on. I bought the ticket (RM 10) , thinking that the 'free food'' mentioned in the ticket was something like a buffet style food. When I got there, I was stunned for a moment as I saw them distributing food packs. Heck. Really sux. Took the food, and went to the canteen to have it with AP, Chin and Kent. Anyways there were a lot of girls with beautiful outfits in the vicinity of the canteen and President Hall. Not bad not bad.. I crumbled the ticket and left it at the canteen, as I only looked forward to the food, and knowing that the food was very bad, I gave up. Went back to the room with Chin, while AP and Ken went in for the show. Later AP phoned me and said someone was playing piano! Again I was stunned speechless. And the song was FF X Ending Theme, the song I knew how to play! I regretted like mad why I just didn't went in. I considered long enough whether I should go anot, and at the end I decided to go, but my ticket was crumbled and left in the canteen, probably ended up in a rubbish bin by then. O well, guess I'll just listen from the outside. Even if I get myself not to go, I couldn't study too, since my heart had already flown off to PH already. I knew that I had to do it to calm myself down. When I aproached there, with my heart full of hope, no sound of a piano was heard. All I could hear was the host talking of something, and some other music played. I wasn't that disappointed, and going there really calmed me down. Really screwd up day, wasn't it?

P.S: It took me long enough considering whether I should write this here. And I thought that spitting all here will ease my feelings, and it did. I felt really good after writing this post.


W e l c o m e ~ ~ ~

Thanks for visiting my bloggie :P
Feel free to revisit my blog anytime!

Why did I pick this skin? Although I don't really like the words 'love me the way i do-' but this skin is quite systematic~

italic,bold, and underline.


I am ...

...Seventeen years old in the year 2008.
...Studying in Nilai International College.
...A rookie DotA player.
...An ex-Gunz player.
...A Music and Novel enthusiast.
...Emotional,Temperamental, Determined, and Enthusiastic.
...Quiet, Observant, Introvert, and Compassionate.
...Demanding, Thoughtful, Dull, and Calm.
...Anymore?I don't know...


No music, No life!

Giniro at Muziboo.com


I will work for...

...A Digital Camera.
...A PC.
...A House.
...A Car.
...A Pet.
...My Girl lolx
...I can't believe it but my wishlist is really short...


Your journey does not end here.

Jing Quan a.k.a AutoPilot
Chui Nee
Ray Phung


Be polite~



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