Geez... Slept from 6 to 6. a good 12 hours sleep. Long time din enjoy such a nice sleep. Refreshed and regained my energy, i went to school for PJ. Yeh, PJ. Thursday as the best day in a week for me coz no tuition, PJ, shorter school time, and less annoying teachers to be in my class. (there's always an exception for everything, except Santhi) Mentioning about Santhi, I don really like her coz of her Attitude...but the way she controls he class is fantastic. At least she could make those (put in some vulgar words here) ppl like Jayvin etc etc who likes to interrupt P & P. And she teach well too. Enuf about her, everything goes as usual. In the evening i have nothing to do but to go to Jia Hong's house to use his computer :P. No choice la, my hands are itching for DotA. How pathetic i am for being a DotA addict. I wonder if there are any potions that can cure addiction? then i wont be suffering from internal conflicts in myself. Nite time, planned to do some tuition work but ended up watching TV whole nite. Geeeez... now im stilling trying to do some b4 i sleep, hope will do some. Accounts really needs some time finishing it thou... k thats it. zzz...